Nation or Corporation? – ¿Nación o corporación?



Esto fue escrito originalmente para un amigo que habla español, pero mi inglés es MUCHO mejor que mi español, así que por favor use el traductor para leer y escuchar lo siguiente. El traductor traducirá todo el material escrito, pero no los


videos. Para que los videos se entiendan, debe comenzar el video, luego haga clic en el botón “CC” (subtítulos), luego en “Configuración”, luego elija su idioma: su idioma debe aparecer en la parte inferior de la pantalla, dependiendo de su sistema operativo .

Lamento cualquier inconveniente, pero no puedo satisfacer las necesidades de todos.

The conversation with my friend started with him making the typical remark about how much President Trump is an idiot and an all around bad person. Now, I’m not a “die-hard” Trump fan, but in the same breath, I’m extremely far from belittling him. First of all, he’s human, with human strengths and weaknesses. He is a self-made billionaire, so despite his “humanity”, he isn’t stupid at all. Nor am I a follower of anyone without logical (not emotional) reasons; however, this is not the reason for this blog. Something worth knowing before you continue – this is NOT meant to answer all of your questions which you may or may not have at this moment, this is just to give you a general knowledge of the subject. If you want more information, I hope this gives you a good start.

What I told my friend as well as others is:

  • Since most all countries today are democratically governed – democratic republics, most of the world no longer has governing monarchs. Such countries hold elections every few years to elect a president and a great deal of his/her ruling mates – see how this compares to the video above if you haven’t seen it yet – or review if necessary. The president of any corporation/government has his/her boss/manager/leader, or plural such as the board of directors. If your country sells bonds, your country is publicly traded – a corporation, and we are…
  • Almost every form from the government – if not all, is capitalized. Have you ever asked why? Even non-governmental contracts are capitalized:
  • Let’s back up just a little, for a moment. What are nations? – answers from reputable sources (?) Two videos here. One is from a professor – his credentials are listed in the video: the other is somewhat more general:
  • And so I don’t take up too much of your time, here is the last video. Something you definitely should know:

Ok, here’s a bonus article you should read – it isn’t long, but very informative, and something you most likely don’t know: Click here to read the article –

10 publicly traded companies innovating with AI

I hope this helps you understand more and now you know the reality of what is.

All the best!

Written by,

Kirk Spencer