
I’m usually a quiet and reserved person when it comes to my opinions and thoughts, especially to the public, now it seems that silence shouldn’t be such a prominent option nowadays.

I tend to think, reflect and research a fair amount of the time, so the things I share here, especially under the category of “Personal Observations” have a great deal of credible research material – usually shared in the posts, but not always.

Parts of my background that have served me well are:  freelance writer, which included research and investigative writing; holistic therapist; metaphysical lecturer, teacher and practitioner; and a few other occupations and interests.

I do hope whatever is posted will cause you, the reader to think of things, of life differently – to see your life in a different perspective and broaden your views and choices.  Occasionally I won’t mind engaging in a discussion!

I hope the posts within this blog will remind you of what we’ve lost and can regain when we remember to return to innocence.

March 2018


After a long hiatus – time away to reflect and grow personally, I have returned.

I have no idea how my writings help others, especially when society, in a general sense has become that of wanting a voice, but not wanting to listen to understand other – only to listen to respond. Without understanding, we are just making a lot of noise.

My posts generally are about societal observations, comparisons and suggestions. Discussions are welcome!

All the best, always!

Think and Grow!

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. Pingback: fqxbcefgr
  2. Getting people to think for themselves and to stop conforming to the thwarted patterns of this world is a beautiful thing.
    Innocence is being stiffled by the society and morality is being reformed to suit selfish ends. I love what I’ve seen so far on your blog and hope to keep exploring.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love as I have come to live by, for, and in, is not an emotion. It is in my belief and practice a state of being much more encompassing them a mind frame. I feel this fire one simple statement I uttered not more than a year ago. The cliched comment “you cannot love others until you love yourself” is far truer than those who say it conceive. To love yourself truely you must realize and accept the connectivity of all things in and beyond existence. You must then acknowledge and love each and everything there in to love yourself. Love is not an emotion that comes and goes, or brings people together as one. It is a difficult but rewarding beyond compare truth which you must find within yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

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