We Live in a World of Choices

Choices, choices… everyday we have choices. Do we go up, down, left, right, turn around and go back or in another direction? Making choices can be difficult, if not harrowing, yet we have to make them – it’s our destiny. Whether you believe in a higher being or not, choices are our way of life.

Many choose to accept this as our way of life, and others choose to blame others, or Present choicessomething else for our failures. The strange thing is, we accept all that is good, then blame someone or something else for our failures.

Within the last month or so, many friends and I have spoken about this subject, even about choices which one commented to another, “Have you considered that everyone else is correct and you’re wrong?” That statement coming from a religious person is absurd. Speaking religiously, how many times have we seen in biblical history that following the crowd leads to anything from suffering bad results personally, to horrible results for a community? There is the supposed safety of being in a community, but when the community you’re in suffers, so do you, yet we continue. It’s like we never learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of those who lived before us. We can blame the lack of  knowledge on the “elite” – that’s very convenient in an age where we can find what was via the internet, but that carries no water. Granted, it’s difficult to weed out what is true among all the material that is available, but one simple way to get at it is to look for consistencies.

Providing you’re a person who gives and looks for respect in life and choices, you understand that each of us has the right to make and live our choices, whether others agree or not. Many decisions which are made are from what our chosen society, community and families think – seldom (in my experiences) are choices made from our own reasoning – we seem to hate to take responsibility for our own choices – we hate to stand alone. If one saying is correct, “Misery loves company”, this will explain our inability to make our own decisions, and stand by them, whether right or wrong.

I’ve written a lot about non-conformity over the years and here I hope to summarize those thoughts a bit.

Presently, we are inundated with choices, although they don’t seem like choices. Some are on whether or not to have cell phones, notepads, computers, and what we should do with them – what programs and applications to use on them? – what is privacy and if it’s important: what is GMO? and if it’s dangerous for us – what we should do and how we should eat and drink: 5G is supposedly coming, and how it will affect us: if the drugs that doctors give so freely is good or bad for our physical and mental health, and how they affect the society in which we live. There are SO many questions, and so many answers – so, which choice is correct for you AND society?

If you’re looking for me to answer any of these questions, or others, stop! The answer is in you, or better yet, it’s with what many have chosen to deny – they’re with our Creator. Sure, you can blame someone else, including our Creator if you choose – you’ll feel good, for awhile, but the problem(s) still exist – just like a person who thinks he/she can drink the problems away. If you look at mistakes, wrong choices as an avenue to learn, you’ve become all the wiser for learning, and growing.

Choice ConsciquenceIf we as humanity continue to dodge the correct choice and not learn, we will remain where we are – ignorantly blaming others and not going anywhere.

On the extreme: choice wrong, refuse to learn, then you and your community will suffer. You will have to deal with all of the above and more because of fear – fear of standing alone, of doing what is correct, even in the light of everyone doing wrong.


Written by:

Kirk Spencer